Saturday, March 28, 2009

Playdate with Kira

Editor's Note: Claire just had a playdate with Kira, who was adopted as a toddler from China by Marla and Alan Mothershed, who are friends of Helena's. Marla and Kira hopped a quick flight up from the Quad-Cities to hang with Helena and Claire for a day. And as it turns out, Kira and Claire were born just two days apart from each other. Cool!

The Naddeos

Editor's Note: Helena and I met Ed and Jennie Naddeo in the fall of 2006. We met at a meeting for prospective parents waiting to adopt children from China, and hit it off with them immediately. In January of 2007, we attended a Chinese New Year Celebration together in downtown Chicago. It was hosted by an organization called Families Children from China. The four of us watched the swarm of beautiful children running around us that night and wondered silently ... when would we have one to call our own?

2008 brought a year of delays, roadblocks and constant frustration for families like us waiting to adopt children from China. At different points, both families thought seriously about retreating from China, and starting the adoption process over again. God told us to stay the course.

In June of 2008, we got our referral for Claire. We brought her home in October. In November of 2008, Ed and Jennie got a call they didn't expect. Not only was there one child waiting for them, but two ... precious twin girls. In December of 2008, Ed and Jennie were on a plane to China and met their beautiful daughters --- Mariana and Alexandria --- just days after the girls' first birthday. The Naddeos brought Mariana and Alexandria home forever on Christmas Day, 2008.

God is so good! Here's more on their story: Mariana and Alexandria.